Website philosophy

Note: This was not written by a financial professional, and is not intended as financial advice

this site will contain max 10 articles. nothing more, nothing less. no questions, no answers. no subscriptions

how to get the most out of this?

the best to start is to be patient and wait for a new pick to be added to the list and to buy on the very first day or in the week after as most come back after an initial pop.
all changed are posted on the website.
the why explanation -if any- for a position change is deleted after 48H.
another way to build a portfolio is to wait for bottom rail tweet entries.
best is to be patient and not to chase.
80% of all new picks are chosen with a long term view in mind.
long term = 6month hold, but focus is 9-24 months or longer.
every gold pick is chosen because it’s able to outperform a silver pick.
position % are a mirror of convinction and how a position has grown.

i am not tied to one method

i use methods that have a proven track record inside my Gold+Silver timing model, which served well during the last bull run 2009-2011

i am very well aware this time could be different, quicker, more extreme, etc… as we have many similarities with the seventies bull market

however, since the new #gold bull run started, cycles and corrections have been running slightly “longer”, with a meaningfull low every 6-9 months.

the keys are Cycles blended with Elliot Wave with Price Action

sometimes they line up. sometimes they don’t

i am not an analyst

i am an Interpreter, trying to find a trading strategy that works in a simple approach, using junior mining stocks as the preferred vehicle

nothing is Set in Stone - as parameters are evolving every day, so might our strategy


Track Record


Kinesis Money physical PF